Terre des Hommes as Co-Chair of the Initiative for Child Rights in the Global Compacts together with Save the Children, supported and advocated for governments to put the Global Compacts for Migration and Refugees into practice for children. We advocated for children to be highlighted in progress updates on the implementation of the Global Compact for Migration during an important global meeting where governments and other actors met to discuss the migration compact (the International Migration Review Forum – IMRF).
We organised an official side event: “Making Change for and with Children Through the Global Compact for Migration: Insights and Inspiration for Action”. With support from the governments of Luxemburg and Columbia, UNICEF, IOM and the Office of the Special Representative on Violence Against Children, it was a crucial reminder to all those involved to ensure that children are prioritised and their needs considered holistically when designing migration policies and putting them into practice. We supported and facilitated the participation of young people in another official IMRF side event, “Youth Lead: Children & Youth Engagement in the Implementation of the Global Compact for Migration,” hosted by the Migration Youth & Children Platform of the Major Group for Children and Youth – in collaboration with UNICEF, IOM, and the International Federation for Medical Students’ Association.