Joining Forces - For All Children
In 2017, leaders of the six largest child-focused agencies such as Terre des Hommes International Federation, ChildFund Alliance, Plan International, Save the Children International, SOS Children’s Villages International, and World Vision International – joined forces to accelerate change to secure the rights of children and end violence against them.
Guided by the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the SDGs, Joining Forces aims to pilot and scale up innovative and effective approaches to advance child rights worldwide and be driven by the voices and needs of children. Joining Forces members actively work together to implement projects with and for children in 24 countries.
In 2022, Joining Forces issued a global appeal, focusing on the dire impact of the hunger and nutrition crisis on the rights and well-being of children. With resounding urgency, the coalition asked both donors and governments to act with a child-centered perspective. This crisis places children in grave danger, jeopardising their survival and protection, while elevating the threat of severe malnutrition. As a consequence, children face an increased risk of violence, exploitation, and abuse, stemming from factors such as school dropout, forced labor, recruitment by armed forces or groups, and family separation.
In collaboration with Joining Forces, we have called upon governments and donors to respond based on the requirements and aspirations of children, while also empowering the younger generation as catalysts for change.